aller Zeiten durch die UNHCR nach Amerika ausgeflogen
Petflaschen und Plastik wird eingesammelt & recycled!
Die KNLA; 'Karen National Lib. Army', kämpft
gegen die Unterdrückung des burmesischen Regimes
unter General Than Shwe (SPDC)
(Vordergrund Sven Jakal; Kameramann)
Um Hütten in den Flüchtlingscamps für "Deplazierte Personen / Menschen" bauen zu können, müssen diese ihr Bambus selbst schlagen. Ältere Menschen sind auf die Hilfe der Gemeinschaft angewiesen
Dieses Camp heisst 'Mae La' und ist mit über 40'000 Flüchtlingen das Grösste aller neun auf thailändischem Gebiet
jonas m lanter
Die BurmesInnen werden genötigt, auf Abfallhalden zu leben. Aber auch hier werden sie abtransportiert und nach Burma zu Folter, Zwangsarbeit oder Menschenhandel genötigt!
"There's no hope in a refugee camp and I cannot go back to my country," said 23-year-old ethnic Karenni, Plu Reh, on Sunday as he waited for one final medical check before boarding a bus for Bangkok, where on Tuesday he caught a plane for the United States. He and his 20-year-old wife will settle in
Despite some nervousness at the coming 28-hour flight into the unknown, Plu Reh said he was looking forward to his new life. "I heard mostly positive things about the States," said the refugee, who taught health and social studies to Grade 3 and Grade 4 students at one of the primary schools in Ban Mae Nai Soi camp in northern
"If you work hard, you can achieve many things there. I want to continue studying in the
"Life in
After the
“ UNHCR are very grateful to resettlement countries for changing the lives of 50,000 people so far by so generously giving them a chance to start over again” - Oliver Smith, UNHCR Resettlement Officer
The highly successful resettlement program has provided new hope for refugees in the camps in
"We at UNHCR are very grateful to resettlement countries for changing the lives of 50,000 people so far by so generously giving them a chance to start over again," said Smith. "This represents an enormous accomplishment for the
Major resettlement countries accepting refugees from
For Plu Reh, going so far away from
see the following link:
1st January 2010
'Help-Prize 2009 from the Swiss Government & Swiss Red Cross